
Pyotr Zakharov
I was born in 1980 year, in Leningrad, in a family of Petersburg composer Alexey Zaharov and the actress, the master of artistic word, Lyudmila Ivanishchenko.

From the childhood I have got used to hear music - woke up under "the Small night serenade" Mozart, and fell asleep under ancient Russian songs which were sung to me by parents. So the love to music has arisen in me :)

In 1987 I has arrived in Choral School at the Academic Chapel of M.I.Glinka - the unique educational institution which is letting out chorus masters, heads of creative collectives.
In 1998 I has ended School with distinction and has been accepted in N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory on conductor's faculty.
In 2000 year, without having means to combine two faculties, I have executed the old dream - have arrived on vocal faculty and began to study in singing.
My teachers were N.D.Kopylov, S.N.Aleksashkin and A.V.Vasilev.
Since first year of study I began to take part in performances of Opera Studio of Conservatory and to act with concerts on various platforms of Petersburg.
In 2004 year I have taken part in the All-Russia competitions "Spring of the Romance" (SPb) and "Romansiada" (Moscow, Tver) in which has won 1-th and 2-th places.

In 2005 I has ended Conservatory and has gone to serve in Army. Me have invited in Staff Orchester of Leningrad Military District, where I have taken place military service as the soloist.

After demobilisation I worked in native Choral School - conducted a subject "Ansamble singing".
Then me have invited to work in "Petersburg-concert" where I work as the soloist now.

Even in days of study in School I tried to compose - small pieces for a piano, processings of national songs for man's chorus and something from this turned out :)
Two my processings even have been executed by Chorus of Young men of Choral School at a concert in the Academic Chapel when I studied on the School second year.
 After School, in Conservatories, and upon termination of this, I too wrote pieces when very much it would be desirable to embody any important stage, any new experience of sincere life.
And here of them I bring some to your attention here, on my site.

I will be happy, if these products find the response in your soul and deliver you pleasure!

With love, your Peter Zaharov!